A to Z Management Technology for Dental Practice(s) Modular- only get pieces you need. Complete tool- Saves and helps u add revenue
Single Owner to Multi sites group to DSO
Motivate performance by easy visibility of numbers and interactive correction logs for personnel
Centralize, Standardize and Optimize Office Workflows In-built constructive accountability
Various roles provide the hierarchical flow of the application to assign tasks to the right team to get things resolved in a timely manner.
If things are getting resolved in a timely manner, you need to incentivize the correct roleplayers. Manage your goals and incentive plans to keep the motivated staff happy !!
You will never have to worry if “that” cheque got deposited into your bank account, see all the discrepancies on the DentAccounts Dashboard !!
Create an environment where the team can succeed, and provide them with tools to make your practice the best it can be !!